Monthly Archives January 2019

Quote Bot Sez

Wedding, n: A ceremony at which two persons undertake to become one, one undertakes to become nothing and nothing undertakes to become supportable. — Ambrose Bierce

Quote Bot Sez

Being a miner, as soon as you’re too old and tired and sick and stupid to do your job properly, you have to go, where the very opposite applies with the judges.

Quote Bot Sez

Lonesome? Like a change? Like a new job? Like excitement? Like to meet new and interesting people? JUST SCREW-UP ONE MORE TIME!!!!!!!

Quote Bot Sez

Today’s thrilling story has been brought to you by Mushies, the great new cereal that gets soggy even without milk or cream. Join us soon for more spectacular adventure starring … Tippy, the Wonder Dog!

Quote Bot Sez

Personally, I don’t often talk about social good because when I hear other people talk about social good, that’s when I reach for my revolver. — Eric Raymond

Quote Bot Sez

If saying that religion should be a private matter and should not have special influence in public life is illiberal, then 74% of U.K. Christians are illiberal, too.

Quote Bot Sez

As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.

Quote Bot Sez

I want you to MEMORIZE the collected poems of EDNA ST VINCENT MILLAY … BACKWARDS!!

Quote Bot Sez

Sugar, dear sweet Sugar: You probably stop by your neighborhood grocery store to buy a pound of sugar and don’t think twice about it, but that sweet white sand has traveled a lot of miles to dulcify your lemonade or tea. The word started out from Sanskrit sarkara. Persians came to India for other reasons, […]

Quote Bot Sez

It’s the thought, if any, that counts!