Quote Bot Sez

This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. If this had been an actual emergency, do you really think we’d stick around to tell you?

Quote Bot Sez

Linux ext2fs has been stable for a long time, now it’s time to break it — Linuxkongreß ’95 in Berlin

Quote Bot Sez

Self Test for Paranoia:
You know you have it when you can’t think of anything that’s your own fault.

We Are Drowning in a Devolved World: An Open Letter from Devo – VICE

But today Devo is merely the house band on the Titanic.

Source: We Are Drowning in a Devolved World: An Open Letter from Devo – VICE

Quote Bot Sez

Be valiant, but not too venturous.
Let thy attire be comely, but not costly.

Quote Bot Sez

You are a very redundant person, that’s what kind of person you are.

Quote Bot Sez

Monitored by the American Human Association.

Donald Trump was asked about Elon Musk. His answer was, uh, something – CNNPolitics

Well — you have to give him credit. I spoke to him very recently, and he’s also doing the rockets. He likes rockets. And — he does good at rockets too, by the way. I never saw where the engines come down with no wings, no anything, and they’re landing. I said I’ve never seen that before. And I was worried about him, because he’s one of our great geniuses, and we have to protect our genius. You know, we have to protect Thomas Edison and we have to protect all of these people that — came up with originally the light bulb and — the wheel and all of these things. And he’s one of our very smart people and we want to– we want to cherish those people.

Source: Donald Trump was asked about Elon Musk. His answer was, uh, something – CNNPolitics

Quote Bot Sez

As he had feared, his orders had been forgotten and everyone had brought the potato salad.

Quote Bot Sez

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. There might be a law against it by that time.